Nothing's really new. (Isnt' that always the start to the L-O-N-G-E-S-T blog posts ever?)
We went to play group this afternoon for the first time since summer. The homeschool moms were still spending the day at the beach in September, and were going to the park with unobstructed access to the river in October. But we're back in suburbia from now on out. (I know -- boring but safe, like most of suburbia.)
I'm really conflicted about this homeschool group. They're fundamentalist Christians, affiliated with the local Baptist church. Some are Young-Earth-ers, some are "the Bible says so" people, some are "God hates fags" people, and most are "But the rich have always had better medical care than the poor; why should that change now" people. Most of them fall into the group of people that I categorize as "fast food, cheap gas, easy answers" people.
Why bother with them? First, they're the only game in town. Second, I don't know any other women in the world. Third, they email around the best local free/homeschool activities. Fourth, The Boy likes to go kick rocks with other boys now and then.
Why ditch them? First, their politics and religion are WAY to the right of mine. Second, they're constantly doing stupid activities like making Christmas shoe boxes for poor children in Rwanda. Third, they want me to volunteer for their stupid activities like the garage sale fundraiser to buy new mulch for the Baptists. Fourth, they make me sign (or conspicuously NOT sign) their statement of faith. Fifth, they make me pay actual cash dollars to join and expect me to pay even more to join the state organization. (I refuse to join the state organization because they spend their money on political causes.)
So, in order to get emails for the local music college's "intrument petting zoo" day, I have to join the stupid people. Do you know they actually organized people to carry signs in front of the Wal-Mart, campaigning for tea party candidates? In their homeschool group t-shirts! How humiliating...
I'll probably join, just to make oh-I-don't-know-who happy. Oddly enough, I really do like some of the moms. Joining the group just makes me feel like a pathetic approval-seeker. Oh well. Worse things have happened.
And speaking of "worse things", I just checked our election results. My state is now completely controlled by politicians who believe that the rich deserve better health care than the poor. Besides don't the poor have folk remedies and midwives? Just fetch me some of Granny's linament, and that compound fracture will be just fine.
Time to move back Up North, I think...
Eh, well, don't move here. We have no regulations, which is awesome, and I seriously love my group, but the politics are no better. You should check out the questions that were on the OK ballot... and which ones passed... and by what margin. I won't offer an opinion, but I'm sure you'd draw similar eyebrow-raising and jaw-dropping conclusions.
There are probably others like you - you just can't find them. Start a Yahoo group called "(Name of town/region) secular homeschoolers" or "(Name of town) eclectic homeschoolers" and see who joins.
Build it and they will come.
Actually, my kids really get into buying the toys for those Christmas boxes. And we're not even right-wingers!
Oh no! What a shame the hs crowd doesn't have more diversity--but even around here that seems to comprise the majority of 'em.
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