Monday, March 28, 2011

The old man is snoring...

It's raining here, which would be no big deal anywhere else in the country right about now. But here? It hasn't rained in about three weeks. Seriously, THREE WEEKS. I keep walking in from the garage and freaking out when I "hear" something frying!! Uh, sorry, that's the rain on the sidewalk. Again.

The Boy is down with a cold, which is impressive considering he never leaves the house if he can help it. *sigh* The Girl spends her days doing school work, watching TV, and asking if we can go to the science museum, which I can't do without taking The Boy. But there you have it. Life as we know it.

We're into the last twelve weeks of school. I know, I know, there *is* no "end of school" date when you homeschool, but we need goalposts. Big time. I laid it out for The Boy yesterday. You have six weeks of school, two weeks of vacation when The Aunts visit, then six weeks. If you stay on track, you'll be off by the 4th of July; otherwise, you'll be working into July. Your choice. ;) Anyone want to take bets on whether we'll get summer vacation?

In more interesting news, Trouble is brewing in The Husband's family. Tee hee. Those people put the "drama" in drama queen.

First, a little background is in order. The Husband's parents died about five years ago, leaving a small but dear little house to their six children, along with a little cash. The $60k was disbursed a few years ago, but the $60k house won't sell. Not that anyone really wants to sell it. See, in 1950 his parents bought a half acre and built a cellar to live in. After 10 years, they had saved up enough money to build the house on top, and they lived there until they died.

Anyway, the siblings agreed to give one of the nephews a five-year lease with an option to buy. Since he was married to his high school sweetheart and had a two-year-old boy, it seemed like a great way to sell it and keep it in the family at the same time. The hitch? He's now getting a divorce! Bwaa-haa!! Oh sure, his lease doesn't run out until December, and he might be able to afford a mortgage on his own, but does that stop the whining? Oh no, no, no. Mostly, it's the youngest (and least financially responsible) one who's causing trouble.

And the KICKER? We have a family reunion in May. The girls are coming down from Up North and meeting up with the boys who all live in the southeast. So they're travelling a long way to see us, we'll be driving up with them to see the three others -- to either get into a fight with the youngest or to be ignored by the youngest. Oh joy... When my family just can't provide enough drama to keep me happy, The Husband's family steps into the breach. Yeahh...


Sarah said...

No bets on summer vacation. I'm lining up every activity possible to keep them busy. Sucks for ME, but oh well. Hope you can stay out of the drama as much as possible. Enjoy the rain! We're in a drought here, so send it back west!

Anonymous said...

Nothing like an inheritance to bring out the best in families--I'm glad to report we will get NOTHING from D's side and probably the same from mine, keeping us all intact.
A cold! GAH! Yick!