Friday, March 25, 2011

Hey, kid!! Yeah, you!

"Yer feckin' welcome!!"

Doesn't everyone have days where they want to scream this at the kids by 10:00 pm? Today, I've provided you with clean clothes, clean sheets on your freshly-made bed, three meals, sixteen snacks, hot and cold running water, comfy furniture, and entertainment. I provided you a safe, clean haven -- clean carpets, furniture, towels, bathroom, kitchen. You live in a safe neighborhood in a house with people who love you and understand your unusual neurological configuration. You are richly blessed.

So why won't you quit whining and complaining? Y'know, before I kill you?


Ruralmama said...

O yeah. I hear that. I hear that loud and clear.

When is Spring here, already?!?

Anonymous said...

OMG--that is so me right now. we are on day 1 of spring break--I HATE spring break. It's 34 degrees in Chicago right now--how's that for spring break??!?!! Both my boys are ADHD, one with sensory and anxiety thrown in, possibly Asperger's, so I feel your pain!!! He told me that other day when I said I LOVE YOU that I never show it so how is he supposed to know that I love him? Makes ya wonder, don't it?!?!!