Saturday, March 5, 2011

Sod off, sod!

Saturday again. And we're laying sod. Yeah, we're having Some Fun Now. Seriously, it's only half of the front yard, but you'd think I was building the pyramids.

See, by this spring, there was only dead grass and living weeds in the front-right yard of our house. I sprayed the weeds dead, just to maintain that even well-groomed look. I spent about an hour raking up the dead grass and weeds. Then I ordered the flat of sod. Yes, 500 square feet. By my calculation, that's 167 door-mat-sized pieces of sod, stacked up to about four feet. I put in some of it Friday afternoon, and The Husband and I put the rest in this morning. Now all we have to do is remember to water it for the next two weeks. If the nice weather holds, I may try another 500 square feet in about two weeks. Provided I've healed from the muscle strains by then.

Just to make us feel better, the guy across the street came over and watched us work for a while. He said things like, "Yeah, I had to re-sod my yard in Vero Beach three times. Five pallets each time. I'm done sodding." The Boy snickers every time he hears the word "sod" but he doesn't really know why it's a bad word on the BBC. (The nursery across from us has signs out front: sod, sod, sod!) I think it's best we keep it that way for a while, don't you?


Sarah said...

Wow. That's dedication. I hope it lives and you have a beautiful lawn this summer!

Anonymous said...

My back kind of aches just thinking about it.