Friday, December 24, 2010

Apocalypse Weekend, part dos: Christmas Eve

Well, everyone got dressed and went to 5:00 lessons and carols. The Girl sat in the bell tower alcove with The Husband. He says it was nice to at least be indoors this year. The Boy actually read one of the tiny lessons without complaining. He did make atrocious faces when I tried to take his picture. He's an absolute hoot -- but he's also a loose canon. ;) Pictures to come as soon as I can figure out how to load the camera software again.

The Chinese food was good, hot, and eaten. Dessert was scoffed at and skipped. We're watching The PBS News Hour, and laying low. The Boy swears he's going to bed at 7:30 because the cheap-ass plastic Christmas train says Santa will be here at 8:30. Heh? Oh well. Hopefully it'll be okay.

I have to oversee The Girl's screaming fit/shower, and then I'm pretty much off the clock. That doesn't mean that the kids will bark at me from their beds for two hours, but technically, I'm off the clock.

I may have a few presents to wrap, but I'm not sure, really. The Husband will let me know, I'm sure...

Tomorrow, I have to put out goodies, make some breakfast (eggs, bacon, etc.), and let the kids open stuff. That shouldn't sound ominous, right?


Sarah said...

Opening gifts is always a touch-and-go situation. And I get the added joy of having to throw a monkey wrench in the kids' plans to stay home all day. I don't look forward to this. Oh, well. MERRY CHRISTMAS ANYWAY!!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas--I am glad the Chinese food went down without much drama;)