Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Short-term memory loss and "The Question"

Oh, I had a brilliant idea for a blog post in the shower this morning. Alas, I have forgotten it, along with the fact that I need to unclog the shower drain.

Why is it that so many things are remembered in context but never again. I can use the last of the TP and chant, "get more paper, get more paper, get more paper" while I finish up, and STILL forget to replace the roll. Poof. The thought is gone, never to be remembered. Until... LATER.

The Boy made me read It's so Amazing to him cover-to-cover this afternoon. It was the longest hour and a half of my life. The poor child really, really wanted to know how the sperm get to the egg. My only question is, "Why can't The Man read it to him?" My specialty is pushing out babies, not sexual hydraulics, if you get my drift. I've encouraged The Boy to ask for this book for his next bedtime-reading-with-dad book. Mwaa-haa-haa!!

Anyway, I'm sure that other blog topic was great, but we'll never know, will we?


S. said...

Oh, I so feel your pain! And I am the same way with the toilet paper roll. I think it's because as moms of special-needs kids, we have the stress level of soldiers in combat, and therefore changing the toilet paper roll is not on our mental radar. At least, that's my excuse, and I'm stickin' to it!

Mom on the Verge said...

AH! I remembered what it was I was thinking about this morning.

"Hey, if I put the pork chops in a marinade now, I can have something interesting for dinner!!"

When did I remember this? Around 4pm. *sigh*