Thursday, September 23, 2010

All we're saying...

I've been thinking about whether homeschool is The Only Way, as some think it may be. In his article on DadCentric, HomeMakerDad has an article on his daughter starting kindergarten, and it has been making me think. Hard.

You know those people in this world who just can't follow the rules? You know the type -- won't wear seat belts, can't keep the beer cans off the lawn, won't just do it because the boss tells them to, won't pay parking tickets. These are people who just never learned to play the game and get in line. And it hasn't done them any favors either. Sad to say, real life involves a certain amount of getting in line and playing nicely with others.

Maybe, just maybe, public school (or if that fails, military school) may be a good choice for some people. I'm just saying.

Of course, those people may just have impulsivity issues, but very few people get through this life without having to bow to someone else's wishes or the wishes of a group. You cannot always be self-led in your choice of activities.

Homeschoolers scoff at "socialization", but really, what is socialization if it's not thinking of the herd, keeping the wheels of civilization greased, and making sure everyone is working together?

Is anyone following this train of thought? Without some institutional setting in a child's life, she never learns about living in an institution. And believe me, real life is chock full of institutions...


S. said...

DING DING DING!! I catch flack once in a while for having M2 in school while M1 is at home. But girl *may* have authority issues and *may* need someone else to tell her how it is, because she won't listen to me. It's a tough choice, but yeah... I'm with ya here. Gotta be able to toe the line or life in general is gonna be TOUGH.

Anonymous said...

The fancy term for that around here is "oppositional defiance disorder (odd)."
I agree with Sarah. People's got to learn how to get along in this world!