Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cue the laugh track!

The Boy went to his first youth group meeting at the church tonight. The woman leading the group is what I would charitably call "bubbly". I'm not sure what the uncharitable description would be, but "overcaffeinated, in a nice way" might cover it. Her daughters are the same way, but The Boy says once you get used to it, she's really, really nice. I wasn't sure about this group because they're older than he's used to, but they make me feel warm all over. Belonging is one of the most wonderful feelings ever...

Green Girl asked if we were ready. I'm thinking... Hmm... NO! But we're obviously not getting any snow, so I've got time. We have NOTHING on the calendar until Monday, so I'll pull the trigger on the last Amazon order before I go to bed tonight and then we'll wade in, starting tomorrow. First cleaning, laundry, groceries. That'll take two days. Then shopping, wrapping, cooking will take the other two days.

Easy-peasy, right? If you listen closely, you can hear God laugh!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like that your son feels good about that youth group experience.
Good luck making all the details happen by Tuesday. I suspect people here will be crazy as we'll lose at least 1-2 days with this blizzard.