Monday, August 29, 2011

First day of school! First day of school!

Well, The Husband came home from work today, this first day of school, and found me curled up in the fetal position on the couch. Yeah. We had mixed results.

The Boy wouldn't wake up, then he wanted to eat all the Lucky Charms, then he complained he wanted to go back to sleep. But by mid-day, all the screaming died down, and he actually did some work on his own. (Note: make boy use the bathroom before viewing Institute for Excellence in Writing. Also, wash pants.)

The girl complained when she had to work this afternoon, but she was okay. I was just curling up for a nap when The Husband got home. He said, "Oh my gosh! One day of school and I find you this way? Oh dear." We had a good laugh and then we ordered Pizza Hut for dinner. To celebrate, of course. (Could there be another reason?)


Sarah said...

Yay Pizza Hut! Sounds like a good plan to me.

Anonymous said...

Pizza is a great first night of school meal. Thanks for reminding me!