Monday, August 1, 2011

A sign of the Apocalypse...

...and in church, none the less!

I swear, on all that is holy, that I actually saw a woman in church in her swimsuit yesterday. No, not under a beach cover-up either. The woman was wearing an actual swimsuit in an actual Episcopalian church.

At first I thought, how tacky to wear a spandex halter top in church. Then I noticed the black spandex miniskirt with the slits in the side. My second thought was, tennis? Then it hit me. Swimsuit. In. Church. Midriff showing, love handles oozing around inside the skirt and over the top, back fat squeezing out of the halter top. But it technically was a top and skirt, right? No one will notice, right?


And you know the scary thing? She really didn't stand out that much.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Wow. That's gutsy, in more ways than one. Then again, I'd consider going in a muumuu right about now if I thought it'd cool me off a bit!