Monday, May 16, 2011

Drama, lite

Well, it turns out that the drama of the week isn't so much my crazy in-laws as my own crazy family.

My mother called in a dread panic this morning. My brother is going to become a -- wait for it -- Catholic! Yes, a mind-washed, Pope-worshipping, leave-your-brain-at-the-door Catholic!! Oy vey.

I talked her back off the ledge, and I think she's not going to blow a gasket. Apparently, the conservative Brotherhood church he had been going to was preaching a 6,000-year-old Earth, and he couldn't stomach that. His wife won't go the Catholic church, but prefers Brotherhood. But since she NEVER goes, except to the pot luck dinners, she shouldn't mind so much. Right? She was raised Christian Contemporary, or something like that. Conservative with guitars. You know the type.

My kids went to a Christian Church for preschool, and I found them to be the most intolerant, judgemental, narrow-minded people I have ever met. I'd much rather him be in a church that was influenced by Jesuits.

Personally, I think my brother just misses the liturgy. He was raised Episcopalian, but can't stomach their "heresies". The service is essentially the same as the Catholics, so hey.

Whatevah. Gotta take your drama where you can get it, right?


Sarah said...

HAHAHAHAHA!!! Wow. That's quite the bombshell. Is he sure he doesn't want to become Anglican instead? Enjoy the drama!

Anonymous said...

Y'know, I found as we moved from town to town growing up that the labels didn't mean much--it was what happened behind the doors and the pulpit that defined different churches. Hence my history as a Lutheran, Baptist, E-free, ECC and now C&MA church-goer. Who now sends her oldest to Catholic school. Faith is what matters, not religion. Religion is the devil's tool. (hahaha--no, seriously!) Your family drama does provide me with a chuckle--mine's no different!

Cassi said...

Wow, he belonged to a church that preached a 6,000 year age for the Earth, and becoming Catholic is worse? I myself am not Christian, but I can't see how the Pope-worshiping could be all that much worse than the Brotherhood church. At least the Catholic church has accepted some science. Of course, I don't understand how any female can be Catholic, but your brother wouldn't need to worry about that. :-)