I know you're all on the edge of your seats. Will she drop of exhaustion and annoyance before she crosses the finish line? Or will she pull it off? Can she clean the entire house without smacking an idle child with a wet rag? Will the Swiffer duster hold up better than the feather duster that exploded in a cloud of feathers today?
Well, today, I started with an hour and a half of occupational therapy and school work, and didn't even get to the housework until 10:30. I completely tidied, dusted and vacuumed the living room and family room, including wiping down all the door facings and windows. Then I fed everyone lunch and went to ballet. Yeah, like I needed the exercise.
When I got home, I cleared out the office, cleaned it, and set it up for Auntie #1. I cleaned The Boy's room and set it up for Auntie #2. I cleaned The Girl's room and finished putting the room back together after the painting. I'm telling you, I was seriously on a roll. Until I got to the master bedroom. Then I just gave in and collapsed. Heck, it was time to start dinner anyway. (Brown rice and pork on the barbie!)
The Boy is thrilled with his newly cleaned-for-Auntie room. But later in the afternoon, I had the absolute nerve to put some Zhu-Zhu pets on his dresser, and he went ballistic. I was wrecking his nice clean room and am now banned from entering. He has put up a sign that says I'm not allowed to enter. Cheeky little brat. He did help clean it up last night, but still.
I've been setting out linens, washing blankets, etc. for the Aunties. I think I'm about three days behind on the normal laundry. Oh well, it's like a water balloon -- when you squeeze it in one place, it sqooshes out in another.
I've printed out my list for tomorrow. Two bathrooms (one large, one small), one kitchen (sink, counters, appliances, cabinet doors, fridge), plus the master bedroom. That sounds doable. Right? *snicker* At least I still have Thursday for a catch up day.
If no one but you will sleep in the master bedroom, I think you can totally skip it. And your son cracks me up with his turf battle;)
Want to come over and help me with my house when you're done?
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