Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm a homeschool mom, not a SAHM. There's a difference.

Still nothing happening here. The weather has been glorious though. (You're welcome, NASCAR!) But not much is going on in my house.

My mom works for AARP Tax-Aide, so she does my taxes every year. (If you have reasonably simple taxes and are NOT using AARP Tax-Aide, what're you waiting for?! Go find them -- it's free! And you don't have to be old. My 28-year-old girlfriend from the IT department did hers on TurboTax, then visited them, and she missed something! These people are trained to use the software, tested, and certified. They're good.) Anyway, I'm getting about $4k back. I know it's my own money, and the government has been keeping it without paying me any interest, but dang. Real money. ;)

Homeschool is limping along. The Boy is going through another pitiful "you help me" stage along with a "but I hate school" stage. This is accompanied by a "I'm bored" stage, which is making me want to apprentice him out to the local cooper or something. Gypsies wouldn't pay much for him at this point.

The Girl is being weaned off of most of the most overstimulating television shows that she'd been watching. We disconnected one of the two PBS channels and coordinated her day so that she does NOT get to watch The Cat in the Hat. That show is major-league overstimulating. WOW. With less television, she's actually getting into more trouble, but that's good. Sort of.

I've been continuing to declutter the house. I took a kitchen-sized trash bag of junk out of the cabinets under the bathroom counters this afternoon. I also threw out all the expired Advil. We now have one bottle each of aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, and naproxen sodium. Yeah, we're middle-aged. Why do you ask?

I've been trying to rearrange my schedule so that I can get everything done, and I've just realized that I work an 8-hour job. I have six hours of teaching every day, plus dance, therapy, playgroup, grocery store, library, etc. It's no wonder I can't get everything done that I want.

Still, I'm determined to get to the point where the house cleans itself. If I can wipe the sinks and toilets once a day, get the beds made every morning, run one laundry load a day, keep the kitchen wiped down, and keep the living rooms picked up, I just have to worry about dusting and cleaning the floors once a week.

But I work full-time, so it's going to be dicey. Wish me luck.


Sarah said...

Congrats on the progress! How wonderful! I bet your house is looking wonderful!

If you find a good cooper who's taking apprentices, ask him if he knows any other tradesmen who need help. I'd be happy to oblige.

Anonymous said...

I always feel compelled to salute the homeschool moms--I barely keep my act together when I farm my kids OUT for their education! And I am a big fan of less TV. Life is MUCH better when we switch it off. They get SO ornery when it's on.

Suburban Correspondent said...

That's it exactly - a low level of constant maintenance keeps the house from becoming a trash pit. Congratulations on figuring that out!

And, Green Girl, honey - you do just as much work as we homeschool moms, what with helping your kids with their homework, volunteering with the school, dealing with teachers, PTA, etc.