Sunday, October 3, 2010

Where's that darned goat...?

The pestilence has overcome me. It started with The Husband 10 days ago and tortured him for a full week. I got it Thursday of last week, and am on the down side of it now. It's a full-blown head cold, only it completely lays you out for 36 hours and lasts a full week. I swear, this is the worst cold I've had in over ten years.

Where did it come from you ask? Church? Playgroup? The grocery? No. This was a University Grade (UG!!) illness, born and bred in the dormatories of an institute of higher learning. No child would go out and infect someone with THIS baby. The Husband brought this one home from work.

I'm thinking someone at the university there should start sacrificing goats to Apollo or something. Seriously.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ugh. My husband gets his at the office and brings it home.