Thursday, July 8, 2010

Nothin' doin'...

Has it been since June 27? But it's barely July -- OMG! It's July 8th!

I keep meaning to post, but I never think that there's anything to post about. Except when I'm in the shower. Then I'm freakin' brilliant! Pulitzer prize material, I tell you, but by the time I'm dry. Nada.

The Boy has been in compute graphics camp all week, and am I exhausted. Oh sure, he's exhausted, too. Mostly it's the noise, the pressure, the unexpectedness of it all. Then there's the things that bother The Boy. ba-bum-bump! (Did I mention that I'm tired..?)

We're having "something made of ground beef" tonight. The Boy's calendar o' food says "meatloaf", but he's not getting it. I might cook the beef. Yeah, I think it's going to be cooked beef. And, umm, leftover brown rice and leftover pasta, and a bag of steam-in-the-microwave veggies. Maybe I'll melt cheese on The Girl's beef.

All I know is that The Man is going back into work this evening after the grave insult of being asked to come home a little early this afternoon so my dad wouldn't go nuts watching PBSKids' cartoons with The Girl all afternoon. Yeah. The Man's office hours ended at 2:30, so he came home, worked out, and took a nap. How do I get in on that deal? ;)

1 comment:

S. said...

LOLOLOLOL!! I do the same thing in the shower! I seriously need a waterproof laptop!