Tuesday, September 9, 2008

the pediatrician and wild-and-happy kids

I'm taking The Boy to the pediatrician tomorrow to ask about his anxiety level. I think it's past anything he should have to endure. He's afraid of library books, little kids, anything old, and (for some reason) the middle of the tub. Somehow, he thinks they have some kind of germ-like contagion. (Last month, he saw an ad on TV for Shriner's Hospital, and he spent a week belly-crawling across the living room to avoid the sickness. He also wouldn't eat anything from the kitchen countertop that is behind that television.) On top of that, when he has to work with other kids, he gets so stressed that he starts hitting them when something goes wrong. Yikes. Some days are better than others, but I really have to do something about it. I'm not sure what I'm willing to do, but I'm hoping she can find me a good psychiatrist in the area.

The kids have been wild and happy today, and I'm exhausted. We didn't get enough done, so I'm frustrated, too. It seems like anything that doesn't get done before lunch just doesn't get done. And now, I'm going to miss two hours tomorrow for a doctor's appointment. Yayyyy...

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