Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fall, wherever it may find itself...

Well, it's mid-September, and I'm guessing that somewhere Up North, it's getting on toward fall. I've seen (and discarded) the L.L. Bean catalogues -- I know it's out there somewhere. Unfortunately for us, Down South, it's going to be hellishly hot for another month. Then it'll only be hot until Thanksgiving. Fortunately for us, my sister just moved to the mountains, and we have reservations at Chez Soeur for a week in mid-October. I figured it was about time for the kids' tree-and-leaf unit. Plus, she really needs the incentive to unpack. She's my sister. I would know.

The homeschool schedule is starting to even out a little. We do a little handwriting, spelling, and writing first, then we get something to nibble on. Then we do either science ("Living Things") or history (ancient cultures). After a serious snack, we go on to arithmetic (clocks, place value, and a lot of A Beka). A little TV and lunch follow, with time off for good behavior. Then we're back to reading and writing by mid-afternoon.

It was starting to feel like it's taking twice as long as it should -- until I remembered the credo of the twin mom: Everything takes twice as long. Duh. I'm teaching two completely different homeschool classes. The only thing we share (sometimes) is science and maybe history. We overlap a little on spelling, handwriting, and journal writing, but the rest is at totally different levels. Which would be okay if one of them would work independently, but (as you'll recall) I have ADD boy and autistic girl. *sigh* It's almost time to get them up and moving again...

Tonight is the meeting at the Baptist church for the local F.A.I.T.H. homeschool group. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm keeping my mouth shut this time. Oh, okay. I'm going to try to keep my mouth shut. Experience has shown that when I'm nervous, I talk too much. (No. Really?) I may drop by after I pick up the Food Coop order. Not sure. Not sure I want to go...

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