Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Homeschool support group (or something like it)

Oye. Went to the homeschool "support" group. Yeah. Now I have curriculum insecurity again.

And don't tell me that homeschooled kids aren't weird, because they are. (Sorry, folks!) All of the seriously homeschooled kids that I have met so far seem to have the same quirky, intelligent, semi-sedated look on their faces. They expect to be treated like adults. Heck, they even seem to think like adults. Even when they're goofing around, they just aren't petty or immature enough in their behavior to pass for public school kids. The real question is, "Which version of 'child' is the correct one?"

And my poor brain keeps asking me, "How do I get one of those?!"


Anonymous said...

I agree with you on the weirdness. But are they "weird" because of the homeschooling OR are they homeschooled because they did not fit into the mold at public school? hmmm Enjoyed your blog tonight! -H

Mom on the Verge said...

Oh yeah. That *is* the question -- which came first?

I'm not saying that kids who spit on each other on the school bus are normal either...

Suburban Correspondent said...

But, they are sedated! How else could we put up with them all day?