Thursday, September 11, 2008

Homeschool PE and other stuff

Well, I met my first group of local homeschool moms today. No one prepared me for how reserved they are. It was like a convention of librarians at the YMCA Homeschool PE class today. Tragically, that sort of environment always makes me more frenetic, and so now they all think I'm a wack-ster. They still invited me to the Official Group at the local Baptist church. Oh well.

The Boy participated in Homeschool PE and didn't hurt anyone. The Girl didn't participate, but the staff understood. The silver lining? I only have to pay for one kid. Yay, I guess.

In other "good" news, the pediatrician agrees with me -- she wants a psychiatrist to evaluate The Boy before he gets any anti-anxiety meds. That's, umm, good, right? *sigh*

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