Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Bon Mots: petulant, as in "petulant slacker!"

pet·u·lant [PECH-uh-luhnt] 

1. irritable, impatient, or sullen in a peevish or capricious way

1590–1600;  < Latin  petulant-  (stem of petulāns ) impudent, akin to petere  to seek, head for

My son is being particularly petulant today -- everything I do annoys him. So, in return, he annoys me.

Yeah, we're winding down to "summer" vacation here. I was hoping to get next week off to clean, pack, etc., but it seems I'll be teaching this week's lessons instead. You'd think that the promise of a new toy and a week off of school and a lesson-free vacation would be enough incentive, but no...

Tell me -- is there a legal way to get him off his ass and convince him to get this shit done? Seriously, he's driving me to swearing on the internet!


Sarah said...

*I* have not discovered anything that motivates a boy who has decided not to do anything. Except maybe food, but it's illegal to starve them into submission.

Anonymous said...

If you figure out the solution, do tell! I have THREE who are AWFUL lately.