Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Oh sure. Shorts... and a new bon mot!

So last night,  I was out at the library (alone!) and phoned The Husband to ask if it was okay for me to run on out to Bealls to try on some shorts, as all of mine are rags.

He said, "Sure! Go have fun!"

He seemed mystified when I told him I couldn't do both. I swear, trying on shorts is becoming the new trying on swimsuits. Handy hint: if the zipper isn't at least three inches long, forget about them.

Bon mot for the day:

inveterate (in VET er it)

1. settled or confirmed in a habit, practice, feeling or the like: an inveterate gambler
2. stubborn as a mule, to the point of complete inflexibility

"I am an inveterate whiner."

I really have to work on that...

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