Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Scrounging for content...

Seems I can't get my own blogging done, so in the interest of posterity, I'm stealing this one from my comments on other people's blogs... I'm pretty sure that isn't plagarism...

As I see it, you have two routes to Christmas sanity:

1. Organize incredibly early. This includes making up the mailing list/labels October 15, getting out the menorah December 1 -- that sort of thing. Put 'em on the calendar and do 'em. This is surgical, antiseptic, and deadly effective.

2. Put as much off until after Christmas as possible. We go the beach on Christmas Eve and use the pictures for our "New Year's Cards". We have a sort of brunch on Christmas day -- fruit salad, ham, biscuits, pie, whatever's still in the house. Dammit, Christmas STARTS on the 25th and goes for TWELVE days!

Hints for those overloaded by Magical Christmas Expectations, trying to get it all done:

Isn't this the reason we had kids? One can make latkes, another can make cookies, the middle ones would LOVE to decorate the tree for you. ;) Add a couple of poinsettias, and you're done.

I have sort of the opposite of your problem right now. Every two days or so, The Boy remembers something he wants done. "Mom, where is the mistletoe?" "Mom, when can we put up the outside lights?" "Yayyyy!! Only three days until we put up the tree!!" (I always hold firm: NO tree until after The Husband's birthday!)

On the other hand, The Boy and I have no idea what Aunt Julie wants for Christmas... I think I've decided on: http://www.make-stuff.com/formulas/heating_pad.html

Oh, and if you put a few Christmas sprinkles in Rice Crispie treats, everyone just goes wild. Or throw a some mini M&M's on top of a pan of (box mix) brownies. Voila!

Throw out the Women's Day magazine, and get a grip. :)

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