Monday, October 15, 2012

Aah! The leaves are about to fall off my maple!!

So, we got a breath of cooler air this weekend, so I got out to rip up some weeds. I was clearing around my new 30-gallon maple trees (that I put in myself) and was alarmed to find that the leaves are curling and looking a little brown-ish. I was just about to panic when I remembered -- it's October, stupid. The leaves are finished for the year. They'll turn brown and fall off. Then they'll come back in March. Duh. Funny how fall sneaks up on a person down here...


Anonymous said...

Ha! I can imagine your distress at thinking your brand new trees are dying--clever you to plant in fall.

Sarah said...

We went on a trip for three days. When we left, the trees were green. When we came back, the trees had turned yellow and there are a few leaves in the yard. Bizarro.

Common Household Mom said...

I gave up on weeds back when we had Super-dry and Super-hot weather here.

Thanks for visiting my blog! Now I'm going to read your version of Proverbs 31