Thursday, February 2, 2012

New adventures in senior living...

New adventure. My dad's apartment complex was just sold this week but we don't know what they're going to do with it yet. He has seven months left on the lease, but he probably should be in an "independent living" situation anyway. He's not interested in spying on the place down the street, so I guess I'll have to go myself and find out about costs, waiting lists, etc.

It's not asssisted living -- it's independent living. Basically, they feed everyone once a day, take people on field trips, organize the chess club, provide housekeeping, etc. He still has to bathe, take his meds, make his lunch, etc. himself. When you consider the cost of rent, utilities, food, car, cable TV, etc. it's not as expensive as you'd think. He turns 78 this year, and he's really slowing down -- bad knees, back, ankles, etc. -- so it's not a bad idea. Besides, he'd only be moving a few miles and will actually be closer to us than before. We'll still take him to Sam's Club, and I'll still drop The Boy off when I take The Girl to ballet. It's right next door to his favorite restaurant. It's not "a step closer toward the grave" or anything. It's just easier. Says the daughter.

Fun times ahead, I'm sure. I'll let you know how it goes...


Sarah said...

Good luck. We're battling that with my 87-year-old grandmother. She's still in her own house and doesn't want to move until she "has to." Quite frankly, I think not being able to get in and out of the bathtub without help counts to that end, but what do I know?

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE independent living. Especially the bit where they feed you.
Been trying forever to convince my grandma that this would be a nice step, however time has run out and her next move will be to a regular old nursing home.