Wednesday, January 28, 2009

The Good Wife

I just had to tell you -- I had a "I'm a good wife" moment yesterday. You know how the men are supposed to bring home the ends, and we're supposed to make them meet? Y'know, by checking the rates on car insurance, getting good deals on groceries, fixing stuff ourselves? I arranged for The Husband and me to meet with the house refinancing guy at the credit union yesterday, and we spent a half-hour figuring out how to refinance. Basically, you need about $600 in cold, hard cash, and the rest can be folded into the new mortgage. We had the idea last week when the rate was 5%, but now it's 5.5% -- not a whole lot lower than what we have. Still, I felt like The Good Housewife for all of an hour. I'll take it where I can.


Melissa said...

Don't you just love those moments?

I always feel like that when I manage to create a dinner from food we already have instead of going to the store!

Anonymous said...

Hahaha. That's a great phrase - the bit about the ends and making them meet. I haven't heard it put that way before, but it's great!

musingwoman said...

Kudos to you!