Monday, August 15, 2011


You have to love a great, inexpensive casserole...

...that way, when no one will eat it, you won't mind putting it down the disposal quite as much.

What the heck?! I even told them: it's just chicken, spaghetti noodles, milk, a little cheese. YOU LIKE ALL THESE FOODS. What the heck? Who doesn't like chicken tetrazini? White sauce? Check. Pasta? Check. Cooked chicken? Check. Seriously, people! Oh well.

Aside from my kids rejecting comfort foods, there's nothing going on here. Not much drama at all.

The Girl is stimming like crazy today. I'm about to lose my mind just sitting here. If she's a little droopy, she starts sucking air. It's similar to the sound when you burn your hand. It's an inhaled SHHHHHHHHK noise. And she does it over and over and over, interspersed with a strange hooting noise and the sound of her snapping her head back. Over and over. When she's too awake, it's the same except she's exhaling and whipping her head forward. That's got to be good for her vertebrae.

We've tried six different meds already and none help. Some don't do anything, some knock her unconscious, and some just make her sleepy. Right now, we're using something that makes her sleepy. We upped the dose and gave it to her in the evening, but it doesn't do squat. It must wear off during the night.

The public schools down here start on the 22nd, but we're starting on the 29th with The Husband's university. I've got a new school room setup, and I'm liking it. It's more book cases and a drafting table. (They keep telling me that the incline helps with her handwriting. Frankly, I've never understood why, though our bodies are vertical, the tables are all horizontal. It gives me a crick in my neck thinking about it.) The church had the annual school supply drive and Blessing of the Fleet this weekend. This is the first year that I've gone up with the teachers and kids for it. After three years, I finally feel like a teacher.

I cleaned the house on Friday so I could relax on Saturday. Tragically, The Husband was giving a final exam on Saturday and I had NOTHING to do. I swear. I feel like I worked so hard to get a day off, and it was totally, blindingly boring. It was thunder storming too hard to take the kids out, even if I could have persuaded them to go. It was also my birthday, so that made it just a little worse.

My sister and I share a birthday, a year apart. My mom calls it "Planned Parenthood". Ha ha. Basically, my sister slept through the night for the first time at 3 months old, and I was born 9 months later. The doctor asked my mom, "How about Monday for inducing labor?" and it just turned out to be the same day. To make a long story short, my sister has agreed to be 33 again this year, and I've agreed to be 32. Sounds fair, since I really feel 32 instead of 49. I mean seriously, I expected to feel a lot smarter at 49, but I really don't.

So, we're slowly ramping up for school, dodging lightning, and trying to find something to do. (Did I mention that the ocean temperatures yesterday were measured at 82 degrees? So you know the pool isn't much better.) Maybe we'll just lie in the cool dirt under the porch until November, like any sensible dog.

And in case you're curious, NONE of the birthday cake ended up down the disposal. My kids are quirky, not insane. ;)


Sarah said...

Happy Belated 32nd Birthday!

I'll be honest... I have never liked chicken tetrazzini. It's weird and all one color and I just can't wrap my head around it. That being said, if I fixed it and nobody ate it, I would be annoyed.

I'm glad you got a day off but that sucks that it was boring! I hope you're able to find a good med fit for the girl one day... and I love the drafting table! You'll have to put up a pic of your school room. I'm jealous and would like to live in it vicariously.

LeAnn Knight said...

Happy birthday!! Sorry to hear that your day wasn't more exciting. At least you had cake and any day with cake is a good day. :)