My lovely daughter can round to the hundreds!
I know, biggus dealus. But it has taken me months to teach her that "43 is close to 41", "49 and 51 are both close to 50", and "58 is close to 60". She has had problems going from 58, 59, 60, so it took forever, but she finally got it. Today, I bumped it up to 490 and 510, and she ACTUALLY GENERALIZED! My sweet darling made the logical leap!
Naturally, we may hit a roadblock when we get to 496 and 519 both being close to 500, but I'm not going there right now. It's time to savor the sweet, sweet smell of success. (Hopefully, it's not the smell of The Girl getting into the air freshener. Again.)
The Boy had a test day in his Calvert School curriculum and did almost perfectly. I'm thrilled!
Now, if the tornado warning would just pass, this would be a good day to buy that Lotto ticket.
And while I'm babbling senselessly about homeschooling, I'm proud to say that I'm unofficially moving The Girl up to 3rd grade. She doesn't allow me to take school holidays, so she'll probably continue through the summer, which would really be fine with me. Mostly.
She finished Learning Language Arts Through Literature, 2nd Grade (Red), and their 3rd grade curriculum is totally unsuitable. I adored the artsy-craftsy, cutting-and-pasting style of 2nd grade, and 3rd grade went all Classical Education on me. Bummer. But I've consoled myself with Folktale and Fairytale Pockets, new 3rd grade grammar and spelling books from Zaner-Bloser, and some Progeny Press literature guides. I'm loving them so far! Better yet, I bought some of it used! Woo-hoo! It's enough to make a girl (me, not her) giddy!
She also finished up Math-U-See Beta (using all those addition facts, working with numbers) and moved on to Gamma (multiplication). So far, so good. She likes the "5 across and 3 up makes 15 squares" concept so far, and is moving right along. Ask me again when we get to skip counting by 7. ;) Tragically, no one else sells Math-U-See except Math-U-See. Buttheads. Paid full freight for that baby. Ouch. Maybe I'll skip pouring coffee on the instructor's manual and losing the instructor disk this time so I can resell it.
I've picked up some of the Konos history materials, but can't quite get it together. How does one buy just part of the Konos empire?
I've picked up a few hippy-dippy science books, but I've had no luck interesting her in making sundials, and looking at her bones, etc. Oh well. We're gardening, so I'm getting some natural world into her.
So, if you've made it this far in the post, umm, what on Earth can you be thinking!?! Go take a nap!
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Only another homeschooling mother can understand the excitement here...
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