Tuesday, May 26, 2009

La grippe strikes the looney bin

Turns out the reason Lora was wearing bananas on her head yesterday was that she saw someone do it on TV. Makes sense to me. ;) Yeah, and it was a dancing cartoon duck made up of letters. So, sure -- I'd do it, too. ;)

I've come down with some kind of cold today, so academia will just have to wait. We did math, handwriting, and a little grammar. The Boy apparently works best when he doesn't have far to go. Yesterday, I thought he'd never finish.

The Husband is being taped for a local television show this afternoon. The Boy doesn't want to watch it because, well, because it's embarrassing. I think it'll be fun.

The Girl managed to break a compact fluorescent bulb this morning while playing Cowbear. To play Cowbear, basically, you get a lasso and start knocking things on the floor. That explains the lamp. The office needed to be aired out and vacuumed anyway, right? Eeeeeverything has a silver lining. I just have to repeat that until I believe it... ;)

I can't remember the things that I wrote in yesterday's blog that I said I would write about later, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. Or whenever my brain congeals again, whichever comes first.

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