My lovely daughter? All girl, all the time. She has demanded to wear pink since she was able to express an opinion. Not pink? Not wearing it. And not just any pink, no. It has to be a "cool" shade of pink -- frosty pinks, fuscia, rose. Don't think she's wearing watermelon or any shade that borders on orange. This girl is a "winter", not a "spring". (Those of you who survived the 80's will understand that.)
Usually, I humor her, but the lipstick? NOT SHARING, DAMMIT. She begs to differ. I always keep it in the car. (Why impress people who know me?) And she sneaks in and covers herself in it. Twice in the last two days, she has gotten into it. We used to keep the car locked, but now, I think she has figured out how to unlock it. My solution? The same as my solution to her eating all the lead for the mechanical pencils:
Yes, what you see before you is lipstick in a childproof container. Even my camera refused to take a good picture of it, so you know it's tacky. But at $12 a pop, my lipstick is safe again.
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